The Book

There’s one question 
everyone must ask in their quest for rest.
W M P T B A T T D?
What’s my place to be
and thing to do?

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Rethinking Rest will challenge those who have abandoned the sabbath to expand their scope and reengage the topic. Biblical rest is not about taking a day off every week from work. Those who feel disenfranchised with the common mantras and practices of the modern Church will embrace its refreshing perspective. The book will summons you to rethink many of your long-standing beliefs about rest. 

These folks have endorsed the book…

Dr. John H. Walton – John is one of the leading Old Testament scholars in the world. He graciously helped me with several rounds of edits and wrote the forward for the book.

Jon Collins – Jon is Co-Founder of BibleProject, a nonprofit, crowdfunded organization that produces 100% free Bible videospodcastsblogsclasses, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone everywhere.

Dr. Chip Bennett – Chip is the founding pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the United states (Grace Community Church – Sarasota, FL). Chip’s teaching is available on his YouTube channel , “Reaching the Next Generation“. 

Morris Dirks, DMin – Morris is the founding director of SoulFormation an organization that provides spiritual and emotional care for Christian leaders. He spent many years leading churches in The Pacific Northwest. But before all that… he was my high school youth pastor!

Steve Palau – Steve is an educator and former all-conference place-kicker for the Wheaton College Thunder.

“If I ever had an interest in reading a book, I would probably read this one.”

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 1 – “Why Rethink Rest

Rethinking Rest Excerpt – HallDownload

Synopsis – Today’s concept of biblical rest… isn’t working. Our numerous discussions about “which day” and “how” the seventh-day sabbath should be observed have distracted, confused, and caused apathy within an entire generation of believers. But biblical rest is dramatically different than most suppose. The Bible’s Ancient Near-Eastern context offers a framework for how an ancient reader would have understood the concept. And a biblical world-view suggests humanity bears God’s image, and experiences rest, when pursuing and working within our God-given “place to be and thing to do.” Ironically, Jesus’ offer of rest attaches us to a yoke which is simultaneously an instrument of work and rest.

It was in my doctoral program that I first connected the discussion of a believer’s rest in Hebrews 3-4 to several Old Testament passages and the Ancient Near Eastern understanding of “restful rule.” In this book, I provide a unique and integrated framework for understanding Old Testament sabbath theology. I also examine Jesus’ claims regarding rest and the New Testament’s anticipation of God’s fully restored restful rule.

A full version of the book’s endnotes are available for those who would rather access them electronically: Rethinking Rest Electronic Endnotes.

The book links (via QR Code) with the Study Resources Page on this site to provide an online study and discussion for each chapter.

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