A few years ago, I recorded a series of episodes exploring how the Biblical account of Jesus’s birth differs from the traditional story often shared in church. Over time, tradition has reshaped this story, but there’s so much more to the Advent than we typically consider. This Christmas season, I invite you to join me in rethinking the greatest story ever told.
– Gregory Hall
Rethinking The Family – EPisode 28
We celebrate the birth of Jesus every year. It’s a story we know well, but how much of our version of the story truly reflects what actually happened? How well do our pageants, movies, nativity sets, and other icons represent what the Scriptures actually say? This Christmas season, won’t you join me as we seek to clarify the season by rethinking advent. In this episode we look into the character of “The Family”.
Rethinking The Timing – Episode 29
We celebrate the birth of Jesus every year—a story we all know well. But how much of our version truly reflects what actually happened? How accurately do our pageants, movies, nativity scenes, and other traditions align with what the Scriptures say? This Christmas season, join me as we seek to bring clarity to the story by rethinking Advent. In this episode, we’ll explore the role and character of “The Family.”
Rethinking The Nativity – Episode 30
When we think of the Advent of Christ, many of our perceptions center on the nativity scene. In Western culture, we often imagine the family in a barn, while in the East, a cave is the preferred setting. But do the biblical text and recent archaeological findings suggest an entirely different possibility?
Rethinking The Magi – Episode 31
When we think of the Advent of Christ, many of our perceptions are shaped by the nativity scene. We often envision three kings or wise men visiting the baby Jesus shortly after His birth. In this episode, we explore the origins of these mysterious visitors.
Rethinking The Gifts – Episode 32
When we think of the Advent of Christ, many of our perceptions center on the nativity scene. We often picture three kings or wise men presenting small gifts to a King. In this episode, we explore the reasons behind the magi’s gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, tracing their significance back to the Old Testament book of Isaiah.
Rethinking The Story – Episode 33
Join me for a special retelling of the story of the Advent of Jesus Christ. This version weaves in details we’ve explored throughout this series, adding depth to the well-known account of His birth. Gather your family, turn up the volume, and let’s start a new Christmas tradition together. Let’s rethink the Advent story.
Link to all the episodes: All Rethinking Scripture Podcast Episodes
Link to my Guest Appearances on other podcasts: Guest Appearances