Links to all available resources are also provided below.
- Chapter by Chapter Lessons – Each chapter in Matthew has a lesson with 8-10 questions covering the text. These lessons were originally designed to be completed during the week prior to the class. Participants discussed their responses in a small group setting just prior to the lectures. But these lessons could be utilized in many different ways. Go ahead and get creative!
- Teaching Videos / Teaching Audio – Each chapter in Matthew also has an approximately 30-45 min lecture. These teachings are available in both video and audio formats. All the videos are also available on the Rethinking Scripture YouTube Channel.
- Bible Study Links & Excerpts for Further Study – In addition to each chapter lesson, various internet links and excerpts from other sources have been gathered to supplement your study of the Biblical text. These are provided to give additional, and sometimes very different, perspectives of the text. Look through at your own risk… there are many theological rabbit holes here! A special thanks to Julie Haupt for compiling this information for the study.
- Matthew Study Blog – I’ve included blog posts for some of the chapters. These further discuss some aspects of each chapter that I discuss in the lectures.
- Rethinking Scripture Podcast Episodes – In Jan of 2024, I began walking through the book of Matthew on the Rethinking Scripture Podcast (beginning with episode 86). These podcast episodes introduce some additional information not covered in the Teaching Videos/Audio (see #2 above).
The Matthew Study is a chapter-by-chapter study of the gospel of Matthew. It was originally created in 2018 for a mid-week small-group study with 30-40 participants. I modeled that original class in the format used by Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) classes. Each week the participants completed their individual lessons prior to our meeting time. When we gathered, participants would first discuss their answers in small “discussion groups”. We then gathered everyone together and I presented my teaching. The teaching videos, and all the other resources for this study are available for free.
These lessons were originally created for a group study at a church where I pastored. While I taught the lessons, I had so much help from others gathering information, writing, and editing the content. A HUGE thank you goes out to Julie Haupt, Jennifer Stair, and Lisa Hall for their help in creating this study.